Thomas Jefferson, On The Glory Of Honest Work

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

– Thomas Jefferson, 1743 – 1826

Thomas Jefferson  was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). He was an ardent proponent of democracy and embraced the principles of republicanism and the rights of the individual with worldwide influence

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About Sourabh Biswas

Reader, writer, baker, cake-r, shaker, traveler, instrument playah, Pastafarian nutter and all those things white chicks write on their bio about their idea of a perfect soulmate. Incidentally, also a feminist, or at least that is what female friends insist, if only to induct more members to their cause. Our cause? Who knows. We can be friends if you share an undying love, bordering on the insane, for Old Monk.